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Bewitched or Persuaded I
The book of Galatians contains some of the finest teaching regarding the new life that Christ has given the believer, a life based on grace and faith, not man’s good works. Paul rebuked the Galatians sharply because they knew the gospel of grace, and yet they were putting each other back under the law. Paul called this sinister way of thinking “bewitched”, and set the record straight, “whosoever tries to be justified by the law, is fallen from grace!”

Bewitched or Persuaded II
The polar opposite of being bewitched, is to be fully persuaded! This is one of the most edifying and electrifying teachings Peg has ever done. Persuasion comes from an inward certainty that God means what He says and says what He means. The point is driven home with those life changing verses from Romans 8; that absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. Therefore we can be more than conquerors in every situation through him who loved us.

Elisha I
Elisha II

Is Your Receiver Broken?
This sharing is a testimony of God’s love. The streaming audio deals with Peg’s miraculous healing after a prolonged and painful illness. It was not God’s desire for her to be sick, but she had to get herself to the place where her “receiver was not broken” so that she could receive her healing from God.

Pentecost, the Day that Changed the World! I
We live in a world that is seen, but we reign from a world that is UNseen. Pentecost IS the Day that Changed the World, because on Pentecost God gave His children EVERYTHING they need to reign in life and to be conformed to the image of His son, Jesus Christ. This incredible power is available to every child of God.

Pentecost, the Day that Changed the World! II

Promise of the Father I
Jesus spoke to his disciples about a “promise of the Father” when he appeared to them after his resurrection. In Acts 1:4 he instructed them to “not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father.” On the day of Pentecost, that promise came, just as Jesus said. And now all believers who call on the name of the Lord share in the same magnificent promise.

Promise of the Father II
John baptized with water, but said that Jesus would baptize with holy spirit and with fire. That baptism in the holy spirit enables the believer to carry out today the works of Jesus Christ. (John 20:21,22) It is almost too good to be true, but that is what the word “gospel” means, the GOOD NEWS.

The Invitation
John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. This is the greatest invitation ever extended to mankind. “Whosoever,” means that anyone can accept the invitation! In doing so, we bring our Heavenly Father GREAT PLEASURE! You and I were created to accept His invitation, and bask in His love, both now and for eternity.

The King Has Come I
Jesus Christ was not born into this world to start a religion, but to usher in a kingdom. He came to bring a government, not a religious institution. It is fitting that Christ was born on Rosh Hoshanna, the day of Kings. Jesus is King, and has given back to man all that was lost by Adam. And yet today most of God’s children are still living in the “slave quarters” of defeat rather, than the royal household of abundance.

The King Has Come II
Most Christians are looking for their reward in heaven, or in the future. But the Bible clearly teaches, “Beloved NOW are we the sons of God.” God originally designed man to have dominion over the earth. We need to wake up and walk like sons N-O-W! Because Jesus came not only to save man, but to reinstate him to his God-given place of power, dominion and authority. Today, we are to reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. (Rom. 5:17)

The Lost Son
Luke 15 deals with the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. Each time the lost one was found, there was joy and rejoicing. We are the lost son when we go to “another country” in our heart, and forget who our Father is. But even while we are lost, our Father is out looking for us, so that He can bring us home again, where there will be great rejoicing.

The Resurrection Part I
You were born to be born again. The whole point of life is to live forever in the family of God. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the fulcrum of God’s plan to have sons and daughters whom He could love and who would love Him in return.

The Resurrection Part II
When You Pray – Believe!
When you pray do you really believe, or are you just hoping for an answer? Prayer is more than just wishful thinking, it is knowing that God is faithful and that what He has promised He is able to perform. In Mark 11, Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, and how to know that their prayers were answered – every time.